2021 Canadian Agency Pitch Report

Five years ago, with the help of an awesome network of marketers, clients, agencies, industry friends and colleagues, we started tracking all the Canadian agency pitches we were aware of. And while our efforts can never be entirely complete, we created the first ever Canadian Agency Pitch Report, summarizing Canadian agency pitches.The response was overwhelming. And both marketers and agencies reached-out to share more information, ask for our our perspective on the state of the market.

Since then, we’ve continued to track agency pitches across Canada as we became aware of them, or once we’d heard which agency(s) had won new clients.

There’s no obligation for clients or agencies to share their agency pitch activity or new business wins, so the report can never be 100% complete. But unless we’re missing something, the data we have doesn’t appear to exist in a single location anywhere else.  And while there are various US and global reports out there, there’s nothing we’re aware of that offers this level of detail specifically for the Canadian market.

Our 2021 Agency Pitch Report delineates between Creative AOR, Media, Digital and PR pitches, and identifies companies by name and vertical, as well as winning agency(s).

Key findings contained in this year’s Canadian agency pitch report reveal a 68% increase in AOR activity over 2020, returning agency pitch activity to levels not seen since 2018. Agencies within the big six holding companies, more than doubled their win rate, with their best win ratio against independents since 2017. And most active pitch sectors proved to be in Retail and Packaged Goods.   

We hope the report provides the industry – and Canadian agencies in particular – with an overview of the buoyancy of the Canadian agency pitch market, while providing insight on the most and least active sectors year over year.  

My thanks to everyone who helped keep us up-to-date over the past year which has again proven so challenging for everyone.  And a special thank you to my friends and industry colleagues who provided input into the construct of the document, together with your suggestions for additional content in years to come. 

To discuss the report, or to order your own copy, please contact me directly, or click here to order online.

Stephan Argent

Stephan Argent is Founder and Principal at Listenmore Inc offering confidential advisory to marketers looking for truly independent insight and advice they can’t find anywhere else. Read more like this on our blog Marketing Unscrewed / follow me @StephanArgent