Quick math


If you’ve ever wondered how much an hourly rate works out to as an annual salary, or wanted to convert agency overhead and profit mark-up into a multiple, wonder no more.

Whether or not you’re contemplating using an Agency Search consultant, conducting an Agency Review Process, or looking at Agency Evaluation and Performance, these calculators help provide more visibility into agency cost and profit structure.

Ever wondered how many billable hours there are in a year? Simply enter the data and we will calculate the number of billable hours per year:

Billable Hours Calculator
weeks per year
days per year
days per year
per week
per week
per week
per year

Want to calculate a salary based on an hourly rate? Simply enter billable hours and mark-up factors and the calculation is done for you:

Annual Salary Calculator
 per hour

 per year

 on direct salary costs

 on direct salary costs

 per year

Ever wondered how much an annual salary works out as an hourly rate? Simply enter the annual salary and we will calculate the equivalent hourly rate:

Hourly Rate Calculator
per year
per year
on direct salary costs
on direct salary costs

Ever wondered how to convert the overhead and profit mark up to a multiple? Simply enter the overhead and profit mark up and we will calculate the multiple for you:

Overhead/profit multiplier
on direct salary costs
on direct salary costs

Calculators courtesy of Trinity P3. Download for free Business Phone App.


Have questions about agency fees or contracts?