With the help of an incredible network of marketers, clients, agencies, and industry friends and colleagues, we’ve just published the 2023 Canadian Agency Pitch Report.

The report summarizes Canadian agency pitch activity in 2023 and identifies more than 150 pitches during the past twelve months, delineating between Creative AOR, Media, Digital and PR pitches, identifying corporations by name and industry vertical, as well as winning agencies for the year.

Overall activity was up some 23%, with Independent agencies again dominating AOR wins, while the big six holding companies continue to lead with media wins.

As in previous years, the goal of the report is to provide the Canadian marketing community and agencies with an overview of the buoyancy of the Canadian agency pitch market, while providing insight on the most and least active sectors year over year.

My thanks to everyone who helped keep us up-to-date throughout the year and made the compilation of this report possible.

For more details on the report or to order a copy, please contact me directly.