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We love it when a client says to us… “we’ve never thought of asking our agency that…”
More often than not, it’s the questions that haven’t been asked can be hugely valuable in assessing your current agency’s thought leadership capabilities and willingness to collaborate to from a better relationship.
Whether you’re considering hiring an agency or reviewing your current one, these five questions can offer valuable insights. (And yes, the answers might surprise you):
What’s your vision for your agency two or three years from now?
Why this is important: Essentially what you’re asking here is “what’s your vision for the communications business for the foreseeable future?” A good answer should provide insight into the factors you and your team should consider. These should be thought provoking comments that really make you think whether you and your teams are structured for success.
Which of your agency’s experts should we be following on social media?
Why this is important: Your question here is two-fold. First, you’re asking where the real thought leadership in the agency is coming from; Is it in their strategy department? Is it in Social leadership? Or is it coming from somewhere else (and why aren’t they on your business…)? You’re also assessing the general level of strategic thinking and industry insights offered by the agency. If (God forbid) the answer is “– er… no.” you should probably ask, “why not…?”
What do you think of our current contract – how should we improve it?
Why this is important: Your question here is really about collaboration. Yes, there’ll be obvious “why do you ask…?” or “yes – we’d like a bigger retainer, please…” but what you’re fishing for is the real contribution being made to your business. For many marketers, you’ll want to pay special attention to AI, if and how it’s being used on your business and what clauses should be considered to protect your data and your organization.
How do you think we can strengthen our teamwork?
Why this is important: You want to know how the agency sees itself fitting into your broader marketing picture and other agency partners. If the answer is, “we don’t know we never talk to X or Y…” it’s an indication broader collaboration is needed. If you suspect the collaboration isn’t as effective as it should be, despite positive feedback, take proactive steps to address the issue.
How is your agency leveraging AI (on our business)?
Why this is important: First, you need to understand if the agency is using AI technologies on your business and if so, what and how are they being implemented? Second, you want to understand how the agency’s use of AI will affect and potentially enhance your business. At the same time, you’ll also want to understand the agency’s roadmap for leveraging AI, what guardrails are in place, how they’re mitigating potential bias and what contractual issues you should be contemplating.
By asking some or all of these questions, you should be able to strengthen your vision into your incumbent agencies’ capabilities, strategic thinking, and commitment to delivering exceptional results on your business. And if it’s sparked ideas for additional questions – please let us know!